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Who have you left behind?

Updated: Jun 7, 2023

I am excited to share with you a little bit from my weekend.

Over this past weekend I attended a spiritual journey that brought me deep down into my soul.

This past weekend's journey reminds me of that of Avatar where they connect their tail with the source, the universe. In Avatar language they call it ‘tsaheylu’ which "...enables them to connect with the Tree of Souls and Tree of Voices, which are access points to the Pandoran neural network.”

I am by no means an Avatar nerd but I love that concept. And so I will explain my journey to you. There were many messages coming out of this weekend connecting me with the medicine deep from the jungle. One important message I want to share with you here today is that of having left family and friends “behind”.

This March, 16 years ago, I moved from my homeland Switzerland to the United States. I have traveled back many times in those years but some friends and family members I have not seen in years.

Not only have I left family and friends behind moving from overseas. I also moved through many states in the US during this time where I left friends & family behind. That thought made me very sad.

As I am massaging through this thought, I am not only reminded of sadness but also of appreciation of my personal path of growth. I have come a long way in the past few years and have grown into the Man I am today.

However, it will never be the same as it once was…. And not being the same as I once was happens each and every single day. I am never the same as I was yesterday nor I will be tomorrow. Just by the simple fact that more than 330 billion cells change every day in my body.

What am I getting at here? My invitation to you is to look back on your own journey and compare that to where you are today. How might you appreciate how far you have come?

If you are feeling in the dumps, that is okay to feel those feelings. At the same time don’t forget your very existence, your physical body, and tune into yourself (maybe more often?).

Let's do this exercise together…

place a hand on your heart followed by your other and take a deep breath into your nose, hold it for a few seconds, and then exhale through your mouth. Repeat this a couple times. Feel your entire being and celebrate yourself. You will never leave yourself behind!

Call for ACTION:

  • How did this resonate to you today?

  • What did you feel placing your hands on your heart?

  • What would you like to learn more about?

Thank You very much for reading this and being part of my journey. If you can take a minute to reply to the three questions above, that would mean a lot to me. And of course, any feedback is appreciated too.

Until next time!

Peace & Love


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